There has been much discussion concerning the apocryphal story of subliminal messages used in a cinema, where images of soft drinks were flashed on the screen to encourage moviegoers to purchase more of them. Whether or not this particular attempt was successful, the process has proven to be an effective method of delivering information to the brain under controlled conditions.
Audio subliminal stimuli are presented with background at a rate faster than the conscious mind can logically comprehend. The human brain is able to process visual information even when the subject is unaware of the affirmations heard, and that allows these affirmations to make their way into the subconscious. A recent study showed that previously unknown neural pathways relay auditory sensory information directly to the amygdala and the visual cortex, whether we are conscious of it happening or not.
Why Does Subliminal Audio Work?Your mind has a conscious element and a subconscious element. The conscious part, as the name implies, works when you are conscious and awake. The subconscious part, however, is always switched on, always soaking up sensations and information no matter what you are doing.
One way to understand it is to think of your mind as an iceberg. Your conscious mind is the bit of the iceberg you can see, say 10% of the total mass, while the rest is made up of your subconscious mind. That gives you a good idea about just how powerful your subconscious mind really is. It also explains why so many self-development enthusiasts look for ways to access its power.
The subconscious picks up information you are not always aware of and stores it in your mind. If it picks up enough information with enough frequency, that information will gradually become a part of who you are, giving you the potential to change the way you think and, by extension, the way you behave. As Dr. Joseph Murphy writes in his book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, "change your thoughts, and you change your destiny.
This subliminal is for people over 15 years of age. Do no listen to this audio if you suffer from seizures. If at all possible, listen to the recording twice daily for 14 days and at least once daily for the following 14 days. This audio should be associated with the the Smarter In 7 Days Video.
15 Minute Re-Charge
Recharge yourself and get moving. Inspire your energy in just a few minutes
Self Confidence Subliminal
Lets face it, you need confidence to do just about anything in your life. Boost your confidence right now with my Quick Confidence Subliminal Hypnosis MP3. Are there things you are missing out on because of your lack of confidence? Imagine all the opportunities you could have if you had more confidence. You could land that top job, gain more friends, and even find the love of your life. Listen to it nightly while you sleep.
Photographic Memory Subliminal
Put this Photographic Memory subliminal on repeat while you sleep and see the difference within a few weeks. You will be amazed!
Anger Management
Control your anger and stress with this subliminal. A soothing feeling each and every day.
Attract Health Subliminal
Let your body think healthy with this wonderful subliminal.
Become A Writer
Be more confident at writing that novel. Allow your mind to open up to new ideas.
Become More Assertive
Have the confidence to put yourself out in front. Help you get that raise or promotion. Learn to stand up for yourself with this subliminal audio.
Become Telepathic Subliminal
Ever believe you hear voices. You might be getting bits and pieces telepathically. Increase your telepathic abilities with this subliminal.
Break From The Past Subliminal
Why worry about the past when you have to deal with the present. Great subliminal to change your life.
Confidence For Women Subliminal
Gain confidence just by listening to this audio daily. You might as well start your day off right.